Sharing Common Ground
Like a healthy ecosystem, we believe that everyone has something important and valuable to offer to our local and greater Earth community. We believe in bringing people with different backgrounds and strengths together to share common ground over food, learning and storytelling. We invite you to join us in celebrating nature's abundance and honoring our shared resilience and responsibility in the interconnection of everything.
News and Updates
Once a month from May through September, LEC Program Manager Cora Uyigue has been visiting Generations Child and Memory Care to bring our Seed to Sauce Programming to their one-of-a-kind child care and memory care facility. "Working with Generations is unique because I get to work with preschoolers and patients in their memory care, making it a beautiful cross-generational experience that the kids and elders get to share together," Uyigue said.
Projects have ranged from planting seed and seedlings and tending to their on site garden, to making scavenger hunt nature bracelets (pictured in photo). According to Uyigue, working with the group from Generations has been a unique and rewarding experience. " I love watching the different ways each participant engages with the activities...
Living Earth Center was recently awarded a multi-year Agriculture Growth, Research, and Innovation (AGRI) Urban Agriculture Grant for their Seed to Sauce Program by the Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA). The AGRI Urban Agriculture Grant Program encourages urban youth agricultural education and urban agriculture community development within the city limits of urban or peri-urban areas.
Grants help organizations and communities obtain the materials and services necessary to successfully promote urban youth agricultural education and urban agriculture community development. "We are thrilled to receive this grant," said LEC Finance Manager Melissa Martensen. "We have put a lot of work into developing Seed to Sauce, and it is validating to have the MDA support this educational initiative and our efforts to expand our reach to include more area youth...