July marks the beginning of a new fiscal year at LEC and also time for membership changes on our Board of Directors. We would like to welcome new Board Members Kelly Karstad and Sr. Monica Wagner.
We would also like to extend our thanks to the following Board Members who have cycled off this year: George Boody, Michelle Bridges, Jolly Corley, and Sandra Woods. Your hard work and dedication were much needed as we transitioned from the Center for Earth Spirituality and Rural Ministry to the Living Earth Center and became an independent 501c3.
The Board has also appointed a new Executive Committee:
Becky Bates, President
Briana Baker, Vice President
Sr. Jeanne Wingenter, Secretary
Melissa Martensen, Treasurer
The Board meets on the second Tuesday of every other month, their next meeting is September, 14th. We are always on the lookout for new Board Members, if you are interested in serving on LEC’s Board of Directors, please contact livingearthcenter@ssndcp.org for an application packet.